Tenders Awarded for Charters Road and Church-Throup Road Roundabout Projects
At the July 24, 2023 Council meeting, Council approved issuing two contracts on crucial road projects to assist with traffic management and work towards lessening congestion on Highway 14.
The Charters Road Corridor Project will see the addition of sidewalks, bike lanes and significant structural repairs to reopen the road to two-lane vehicle traffic.
Church Road at Throup will transform into a roundabout in advance of increased density in the area and the build-out of the Throup Road Connector.
Although specified project timelines are not yet available, both projects are expected to be completed next year. Once construction timelines are advanced, major project milestones and anticipated dates will be shared with the community.
The projects, totaling an estimated $11.5 million, are being funded through a combination of sources – including:
- $3.6 million: Growing Communities Fund
- $2.2 million: Road Development Cost Charges
- $1.0 million: Cash in lieu contributions (from development)
- $200,000: Community Building Fund
- $1.5 million: Growing Communities Fund
- $1.7 million: Road Development Cost Charges
- $500,000: Active Transportation Grant
- $800,000: Community Building and Casino Funds
Learn more:
- Stay informed on planned traffic events on the District’s traffic advisory page: sooke.ca/traffic-advisories.