District Unsuccessful with Charters Road Grant Application and Looks to Make Use of the Growing Communities Fund to Address Need
At the March 21, 2023, Special Council Budget meeting Council received a report on proposed 2023 Capital projects. Since that meeting, new information has been provided by the Provincial Government to staff on the Growing Communities Fund which is requiring revisions to the proposed projects.
Additionally, the District has received confirmation that Sooke was unsuccessful in the Charters Active Transportation Corridor Grant. Due to the significant impact this grant notification has on the available funding for capital projects, staff have reviewed and revised the 2023 and 2024 Capital Plan for the roads and parks projects and they will present a proposed solution to Council at the March 27, 2023 Regular Council meeting.
In short, the proposed changes suggest funding the Charters Road Project as follows:
- $3,579,041 from Growing Communities Fund
- $2,220,000 from Road Development Cost Charges
- $111,711 from the Communities Building Fund
- $1,039,247 from additional grants/funds
The March 27, 2023 Regular Council meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. at Sooke Municipal Hall, in Council Chambers. The meeting will also be live-streamed on the District’s YouTube Channel with a recording available after the meeting for those wishing to watch/listen to it at their convenience.
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