Sooke’s Climate Action Plan Development (Sooke 2030)

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Sooke has a target to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 and it will take all of us working together, along with other levels of government, to reach this target.

What if making an impact to reduce our emissions meant saving you time and money?

What if, by working together, we could thrive in a vibrant, community with a bustling local economy - embracing the people and places that make it so special?

The truth is there's never been a better time for us to build the life we want, right here in Sooke.

Sooke’s Climate Action Plan is not just another plan. It's a commitment by everyone – including the District, and businesses, our citizens, and partners – to do more than just address the impacts of climate change. It’s an invitation to become part of something bigger. To come together, so we can co-create a thriving net-zero community that cares for its people and the planet.

Because we, and future generations, all deserve a safe and healthy future.

Follow our journey to Sooke2030 and be a part of the evolution - rethinking:

  • How we move
  • How we build
  • How we grow
  • How we relate
  • How we lead

.... because, as a Compassionate City, it's in our nature!

Sooke has a target to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 and it will take all of us working together, along with other levels of government, to reach this target.

What if making an impact to reduce our emissions meant saving you time and money?

What if, by working together, we could thrive in a vibrant, community with a bustling local economy - embracing the people and places that make it so special?

The truth is there's never been a better time for us to build the life we want, right here in Sooke.

Sooke’s Climate Action Plan is not just another plan. It's a commitment by everyone – including the District, and businesses, our citizens, and partners – to do more than just address the impacts of climate change. It’s an invitation to become part of something bigger. To come together, so we can co-create a thriving net-zero community that cares for its people and the planet.

Because we, and future generations, all deserve a safe and healthy future.

Follow our journey to Sooke2030 and be a part of the evolution - rethinking:

  • How we move
  • How we build
  • How we grow
  • How we relate
  • How we lead

.... because, as a Compassionate City, it's in our nature!

  • Share How We Move on Facebook Share How We Move on Twitter Share How We Move on Linkedin Email How We Move link

    How We Move

    over 2 years ago

    How we move. Our biggest struggle.

    Over half of Sooke's working residents commute outside the District for their jobs. Plus we spend a lot of time in our cars, doing errands, driving to other neighbourhoods and taking trips. That makes transportation the biggest source of greenhouse gases in our community. 

    By rethinking how we move people, stuff, and waste and stuff, we can develop a circular economy that makes low-carbon transportation easy and affordable.

    This includes:

    • Creating neighbourhoods where everything is within reach for everyone via multi-use trails, bike lanes and more frequent transit. 

    • Working with public and private partners to ramp up telecommuting and ride-shares. 

    • Investing in new infrastructure for electric cars and bikes. 

    • Transitioning District vehicles off fossil fuels.

    • Streamlining access to waste, recycling, and composting. 

    What ideas do you have to change HOW WE MOVE? Share on this digital board. 

    In addition to this digital space, connect with staff in person at:

    • Tuesday, April 19 from 9:30am to 11:30am at Whiffin Spit
    • Saturday, April 23 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Sooke Country Market in John Phillips Memorial Park

    Rules of engagement:

    • Be kind. 
    • Consider different perspectives - we want a plan that is accessible and actionable
    • Show your support - like an idea, let us know. LOVE an idea, let us know.

    View All Ideas
  • Share How We Grow on Facebook Share How We Grow on Twitter Share How We Grow on Linkedin Email How We Grow link

    How We Grow

    over 2 years ago

    How we grow. Our opportunity and challenge.

    We're blessed to live in a magnificent place. And that means that a lot of people want to live here and visit too. Sooke2030 shows us how to grow responsibly into a connected and complete community. To balance the development of our town and economy with strong protection of the character and natural spaces that make our corner of the world so special.

    To do that, we'll continue to:

    • Take stock of local lands, water and forests to assess their true value. 
    • Develop policies and bylaws for best practices in development and infrastructure. 
    • Invest in natural assets, parks and green spaces to strengthen our resilience. 
    • Develop low-carbon strategies for food security. 
    • Protect the ALR and grow our urban canopy. 
    • Focus commercial and residential growth on the town centre and waterfront to lessen sprawl and create more diverse, connected communities. 
    • And support innovative economic development to foster regenerative, local approaches to doing business.

    What ideas do you have to change HOW WE GROW? Share on this digital board. 

    In addition to this digital space, connect with staff in person at:

    • Tuesday, April 19 from 9:30am to 11:30am at Whiffin Spit
    • Saturday, April 23 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Sooke Country Market in John Phillips Memorial Park

    Rules of engagement:

    • Be kind. 
    • Consider different perspectives - we want a plan that is accessible and actionable
    • Show your support - like an idea, let us know. LOVE an idea, let us know.
    Start by submitting an idea
  • Share How We Build on Facebook Share How We Build on Twitter Share How We Build on Linkedin Email How We Build link

    How We Build

    over 2 years ago

    How we build. Our concrete legacy for the future.

    Our built environment does more than just shelter and support us. It affects the way Sooke's ecosystem works, influencing everything from water movement to temperature to natural migration patterns. Buildings are the second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the District. 

    New technologies and construction techniques give us the power to build, renovate and retrofit our community today, to become a showcase of net-zero coastal living. All we have to do is choose them.

    Sooke2030 paves the way for us to make our buildings and infrastructure cleaner and greener, by:

    • Supporting new building codes and practices. 

    • Pursuing local, low-carbon energy sources. 

    • Retrofitting District facilities for efficiency and resilience. 

    • Accounting for and addressing emissions throughout building cycles. 

    • Embracing natural building techniques and protecting natural places. 

    • And exploring multi-use options for shared spaces.

    What ideas do you have to change HOW WE BUILD? Share on this digital board. 

    In addition to this digital space, connect with staff in person at:

    • Tuesday, April 19 from 9:30am to 11:30am at Whiffin Spit
    • Saturday, April 23 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Sooke Country Market in John Phillips Memorial Park

    Rules of engagement:

    • Be kind. 
    • Consider different perspectives - we want a plan that is accessible and actionable
    • Show your support - like an idea, let us know. LOVE an idea, let us know.
    Start by submitting an idea
  • Share How We Lead on Facebook Share How We Lead on Twitter Share How We Lead on Linkedin Email How We Lead link

    How We Lead

    over 2 years ago

    How we lead. Our values in action.

    We walk alongside the T'Sou-ke Nation as stewards of this truly magical place, grateful for thousands of years of their wise caretaking. Our collective choices going forward will define the quality of life for all living beings in the region.

    Through values-based leadership, Sooke2030 helps us rethink the way we operate and work, the culture that defines us. It gives us permission to explore habits and assumptions that no longer serve us, and make deliberate decisions to support a healthy and just community. That includes:

    • Options for flexible work. 

    • Commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion across the District. 

    • Shifts in perspective and culture to act on our values. 

    • A focus on low-carbon resilience in everyday operations.

    •  Investment in our people so they can do their best work. 

    • And the courage to make tough decisions that lead us toward a better future.

    What ideas do you have to change HOW WE LEAD? Share on this digital board. 

    In addition to this digital space, connect with staff in person at:

    • Tuesday, April 19 from 9:30am to 11:30am at Whiffin Spit
    • Saturday, April 23 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Sooke Country Market in John Phillips Memorial Park

    Rules of engagement:

    • Be kind. 
    • Consider different perspectives - we want a plan that is accessible and actionable
    • Show your support - like an idea, let us know. LOVE an idea, let us know.
    Start by submitting an idea
  • Share How We Relate on Facebook Share How We Relate on Twitter Share How We Relate on Linkedin Email How We Relate link

    How We Relate

    over 2 years ago

    How we relate. Our deepest connections.

    We're all here because we care - about the land, the wildlife, the water and each other. But our relationships can be complex, deeply rooted in old stories and practices, often standing in the way of our dreams.

    Sooke2030 surfaces and strengthens our relationships, helping us find common ground and clarity to achieve shared goals. How? By empowering us:

    • To learn with, about and from each other and the natural world. 

    • To rediscover how to be allies, collaborators and friends across governments, agencies, departments and neighbourhoods. 

    • To address important issues like Reconciliation. Climate justice. Biodiversity. Mental Health. Belonging. 

    • And to create a caring and compassionate community we all want to call home.

    What ideas do you have to change HOW WE RELATE? Share on this digital board. 

    In addition to this digital space, connect with staff in person at:

    • Tuesday, April 19 from 9:30am to 11:30am at Whiffin Spit
    • Saturday, April 23 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at the Sooke Country Market in John Phillips Memorial Park

    Rules of engagement:

    • Be kind. 
    • Consider different perspectives - we want a plan that is accessible and actionable
    • Show your support - like an idea, let us know. LOVE an idea, let us know.
    View All Ideas
Page last updated: 12 May 2022, 02:07 PM