Grant Funded Little River Pedestrian Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Project Takes Next Steps Toward Anticipated 2025 Opening
The District of Sooke is pleased to announce that Council has directed staff to proceed with the awarding of the tender for the Little River Pedestrian Crossing Project to Regehr Contracting Ltd. after a competitive bidding process. This project will enhance pedestrian connectivity and safety, serving as an important link in our community’s transportation network, and is being funded outside District of Sooke tax dollars, led by $1.3 million in funding from the Federal Government through an Active Transportation Grant.
The Little River Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Project is a pedestrian crossing over DeMamiel Creek, referred to as “Little River” by T’Sou-ke Nation, also includes a supporting trail system to increase connectivity between the Sunriver Neighbourhood and nearby schools, as well as Sooke’s town core. It will form a critical connection for the Sunrun Trail, as identified in the District’s Parks and Trails Master Plan, and provide an alternative transportation option to help alleviate vehicle travel on Highway 14. The project will also incorporate interpretive signage to educate users on the cultural and natural history of the area.
Key Project Details:
- Contractor: Regehr Contracting Ltd
- Construction Budget: $2 million
Funding Breakdown:
- $1.3 million – Federal Active Transportation Funds
- $500,000 – Provincial Active Transportation Funds
- Remaining portion – Parks Development Cost Charges (Developer contributions), Growing B.C. Fund, Casino Reserves Fund
Project Timeline:
- January to February 2025: Site preparation (in advance of bird nesting season March to June).
- Spring 2025: Trail and boardwalk construction begins.
- August 1 to September 15, 2025: Bridge and instream works conducted around the fisheries window.
- Fall 2025: Substantial completion.
“This milestone marks an exciting step forward in the development of Sooke’s trail systems,” said Mayor Maja Tait. “It reflects our commitment to creating a walkable, connected community while protecting and enhancing our natural environment, and providing alternative means to get around Sooke to lessen reliance on Highway 14.”
The new trail and bridge will connect the east and west portions of the community by Poirier Elementary and Journal Middle Schools, facilitating pedestrian travel between Sooke’s Town Core and the Sunriver Neighbourhood including the expanding recreation site at Ravens Ridge Park. The Little River Crossing will not only provide a safe and scenic route for pedestrian travel but also encourage outdoor activity and ease transportation challenges by offering a sustainable, active transportation option.
Related resources:
More About Little River Crossing and Multi-Use Trail Project:
- Little River Multi-Use Trail Project Information Page
- November 5, 2024: Project Update: Little River Pedestrian Crossing – Now Accepting Tenders
- September 27, 2024: District of Sooke Moves Forward with Little River Multi-Use Trail Project
- April 19, 2024: Project Update: Little River Crossing and Multi-Use Trail
- March 25, 2024: Province Announces $1 Million Investment in Active Transportation for Sooke
- December 6, 2023: Federal government supports active transportation infrastructure upgrades in Sooke
- December 7, 2020: Project update: Progress being made on Sun Run Trail, which aims to connect Sunriver to town core
- July 27, 2020: News Release: Phase 1 of Demamiel Creek Pedestrian Crossing now open

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