Community Garden Survey

This survey will take approximately two to five minutes to complete. Your feedback will help make sure this project works well for the neighbourhood and our greater community! 

Please tell your friends and neighbours about the opportunity to provide input, Your voice matters; it's important we hear from you!

0% answered


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and opinions on the idea of starting a new community garden in Sooke! Your input is very important in shaping this project to meet the needs of our community.

The garden plots are for local residents who want space to grow food and connect with others. We want this space to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone in our community. Along with individual garden plots, we plan to have a teaching garden. Such a resource could help people who have backyard space but need help with gardening to further build our local food security and community resilience. 

Your feedback will help us make sure this project works well for the neighbourhood and our greater community. Thank you again for participating!