What We Heard Data Available
June 29, 2021 - The Parks and Trails Master Plan, adopted on October 13, 2020, identified Pond’s Park Corridor as a desirable off-leash dog park and suggested a $50,000 project budget (p. 73). Community engagement, specific to the identified site was undertaken by staff from May 4, 2021 to June 4, 2021. Notably, the engagement phase is subsequent to the community consultation undertaken to develop the parks and Trails Master Plan.
The goal of the fenced-dog park engagement was to inform neighbouring residents, and the community, of the selected location, prioritize site amenities, and to better understand concerns so that they could be mitigated during the park design phase.
Park neighbours were informed of the project by a direct mail letter and provided with a print survey and information pamphlet sent the week of April 26, 2021. Community notification was announced through a press release issued on May 4th, and trail signage with accompanying information pamphlets along the corridor from John Phillips Memorial Park to Art Morris Ball Park.
Through all promotional materials, residents were directed to the online engagement platform at letstalk.sooke.ca/dogpark with print surveys also being made available for those without computer access.
The online engagement platform included project information, answers to anticipated questions, a project timeline, a survey, and a “ask a question” submission where questions could be received and responded to publicly.
Further, District staff engaged neighbours, trail users and dog parks on site during the consultation period with information pamphlets also provided through local pet-orientated businesses.
The data collected during the May 4 to June 4, 2021 engagement period is captured in this report and will be presented to Council at the July 19, 2021 Committee of the Whole meeting for discussion.