Stickleback Dog Park Welcomes First Paws
Today, the Stickleback Dog Park, located at 2276 Church Road on the Stickleback Urban Trail, opened and quickly welcomed its first visitors!
A dog park in Sooke has been a long-talked-about amenity and desired by many in the community, so to have the soft opening here is an exciting community milestone. "As soon as I unlocked the gate, we had people and pets smiling, prancing and quickly community members meeting for the first time," shares Jessica Boquist, Parks and Environmental Services Coordinator. "This warms my heart to see the joy visitors are experiencing already."
Current amenities of the fenced dog park include a water standpipe (a pet and person fountain will be installed next week), surfacing, benches, a dog bag dispenser and a garbage receptacle. A gazebo will be installed this summer, with a grand opening celebration to take place at that time.
The park is open from 7:00 a.m. to dusk. Vehicle parking is available on Church Road with recent roadside improvements made to support access to the park.